I have just found this great- and fairly recent- review of
Bride of the Spear on Library Thing. I'd like to be able to comment on it but can't find how to do it- help anyone?
This gripping tale, the first novel of a trilogy, is realistic
historical fiction, obviously based on sound scholarly research. That is
the finest kind. The setting is the north of England 180 years after
Arthur. The Angles are invading from the south, and the Picts from the
northwest. A prince learns to be a true man and a true king, and a
princess learns to survive and to forgive, as well as to be a great
healer. It is a convincing personal story set, accurately and
believeably, in a fascinating place and time. You can go and visit the
places in person; you can visit the time by means of this novel.
the title is lurid, and the cover art is both lurid and
non representative of any scene in the story, but then, those were lurid
times. It's tough work building civilization.
I'd love to reassure jzdro - who has impeccable taste in literature- that the new edition
not have a lurid cover, but I can't do anything about the title, as
this is the one by which the book is known, despite it not being the title the author originally chose. A great deal more about how the story evolved, as well as plenty of extra historical notes will be added to the text of the new version.